Resources for Commuter Students

Resources for Commuter Students

Build Your Future Among Our Engaged, Driven Community

No matter where you are, esball国际平台客户端欢迎你的创新精神和追求新发现的强烈动力. 每年都有许多学生带着类似的任务往返于我们的地点. 也许你是当地人,正在寻求一种应用教育,为有影响力的职业铺平道路,或者为你的道路铺平道路. Or, 你们从海外来到这里,在自己的领域开辟一个利基,并与我们世界知名的教师合作进行变革性研究.

In all cases, 为通勤学生提供以下资源,开始您的旅程并适应esball国际平台客户端的生活.


For Undergraduate Commuter Students

你就在附近——事实上,你可能住在离我们波茨坦不到一个小时的地方. 了解我们如何帮助你适应,以及你作为通勤学生可以获得的服务.

Orientation and Springboard Programming

esball国际平台客户端开始你的旅程,参加跳板和入学前的活动. 抓住这个机会去熟悉校园内外的资源, take placement tests, 探索俱乐部和组织,开始与你的同龄人联系.

Drop-in and Small Group Tutoring

We support the success of all students. For academic assistance, 波茨坦通勤学生可以通过学生成功中心免费获得辅导课程.

Study Spaces

You study wherever you go. At our Potsdam location, 在学生成功中心专门为通勤学生开设的学习空间学习, whether before or after class or during a weekend on campus.

Commuter Advisory Committee


Residence Life

住宿生活办公室为所有一年级通勤学生分配了一个生活学习社区和一名住宿顾问. Discover an engaged, 一群有动力的学生准备好一起面对新的挑战,并充分利用你在这里的经历. 通勤学生也可以使用esball国际平台客户端身份证进入休息室和其他公共区域.


Eat between classes on the Potsdam campus. 我们建议本科生选择50/500的用餐计划,或者在他们的骑士卡上添加余额递减(DB)来用餐.

For Graduate Commuter Students

The majority of graduate students commute to Clarkson, 波茨坦校区是我们以研究为中心的项目之一,首都地区校区是申请项目之一, career-advancing education geared toward area professionals. 无论你是在找房子,还是有esball国际平台客户端停车或学生证的问题, we’ve compiled resources for master’s and PhD candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions

住宿生活办公室允许一年级的通勤学生通过分配他们到我们系统中的休息室空间进入一年级的住宿大厅. There is no charge associated with this placement. This allows your student ID card to work, 这样你就可以认识更多的同龄人,即使你不住在校园里,也能融入esball国际平台客户端社区. Additionally, 这种安排提供了进入某些住宅区学习和使用淋浴/浴室的通道.

Through your housing questionnaire, 我们将你分配到一个生活学习社区(这是一层其他一年级学生与你有相似的兴趣), where you can go hang out in the lounge, attend programs, receive emails, participate in First-Year Cup, 接受学生同伴的指导,即常驻顾问(RA),最大限度地提高你的经验. 您不需要为此支付费用,也不需要参与. However, 它为你提供了更多的机会,以满足人们和沉浸在esball国际平台客户端校园自己.

被分配到住宿空间的通勤学生通常与住宿顾问(RA)或房屋顾问(HA)沟通。, who keeps them in the know about events, programs and other information relevant to their Clarkson experience.

学生在填写住房调查问卷时,就他们的首选住房主题进行登记. Learn more about first-Year Housing floor themes.

所有本科通勤学生必须填写一份地址验证表,并将随附的文件提交给居住生活办公室,以便首次批准通勤状态. 本科生必须每年在住房抽签季节与居住生活办公室确认他们即将到来的一年的预期通勤状态.

To qualify for commuter status related to housing, 本科生必须符合以下条件:“学生从其父母或法定监护人的主要居住地通勤, 必须在esball国际平台客户端波茨坦校区50英里以内.”

As a commuter student, you can still get a campus dining plan. esball国际平台客户端建议那些想在课间在校园里吃点饭的人采用50/500计划. To add the dining plan, please contact the Office of Residence Life.

If you don’t want a meal plan but want to buy food “à la carte,” you can add a Declining Balance (DB) to your Knight Card. 这些是餐费,你可以在我们学校的任何餐厅用餐. 您可以随时通过学生财务办公室添加到您的DB.

Your Knight Card is your official Clarkson ID. You can pick this up at Campus Safety and Security (CSS). Your Knight Card gives you access to the Clarkson Fitness Center, 如果你有用餐计划或在你的卡上添加了DB,你可以在校园用餐.

Through our active contract with St. 劳伦斯县,一辆穿梭巴士穿过波茨坦,每小时在校园停一站. Students can ride any shuttle in St. Lawrence County for free using their student ID. Review the current shuttle schedule.

Parking on campus is free for students. Students need to register their vehicles with campus safety. Learn more about parking on campus.


For academic support, esball国际平台客户端建议通勤学生利用学校提供的服务和项目 Student Success Center, including group tutoring, the Writing Center, 一年级研讨会课程及一般学习和时间管理信息.

Campus Safety and Security are here for more than just issuing parking permits. They can help you jump your car, 如果你在校园里使用蓝光安全系统,请更换漏气的轮胎并作出反应.

Contact Us

Have questions about resources for commuter students? Reach out for additional information: 

Residential Housing Manager: Emma Blaiklock 
Phone: 315-268-6642 


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